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Brazil // Foz do Iguaçù


Foz do Iguaçu is located at the border between three South American States: Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil.

This is the third city of Brazil for dead murdered. 

There is a big legislative and financial insecurity. Ten years after high school, there isn't a specialization that introduces you to the world of work.

If you don't have the money for private courses that give you professionalism, you are out of the labour market.

The Fundaçao Nosso Lar is an NGO that assists orphan children and teenagers, abandoned or waiting for judgment. The aim of the Fundation is to guarantee the right to the family and community cohabitation to these children and teenagers that live in situations of risk and uneasiness (the greatest part of them coming from the near slums), so the Foundation proposes to welcome them by the system of the “Casa Lar” (social family), so they can grow in a healthy environment.

In particular, Madre Terra is a project of a farm managed by someone of the boys of the Foundation for give to them professionalism and the opportunity to work.

© Copyright 2013 - Simone Nascetti photography. All rights reserved.

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